

Join us today at 1PM EDT for Prof. Stubbs’ lecture on Ilizarov Frames- Surgical Principles

us02web.zoom.us/j/9556225354?pwd=NEs0ZHVXamtKMUxxWCtkNThGY2pvdz09 About our speaker: David Stubbs MBChB, FRCS, FRCS(Orth) I trained in Sheffield UK where I first came across the Ilizarov method in the early 90s. For the last 15 years I have been working as a consultant in arthroplasty and limb reconstruction in the Bone Infection Unit of the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford. […]


Join us today at 1PM EDT for Prof. Stubbs’ lecture on Ilizarov Frames- Surgical Principles Read More »

OCAD Lecture THIS Thursday at 1PM (13:00) EDT, Join Us!

GREAT NEWS! Moving forward we will be having monthly clinical lectures (hopefully) of interest to MSK radiologists (and friends). This Thursday at 1PM EDT Prof David Stubbs of Oxford University will lecture on “Ilizarov Frames-Surgical Principles” Please consider joining us Live. But if you cannot, the lectures are videotaped and available on Demand in the


OCAD Lecture THIS Thursday at 1PM (13:00) EDT, Join Us! Read More »

Ankle MRI 3 months post arthroscopy 41F, pathology proven PVNS, Please Help

I think the PVNS came as a surprise. Pre op CT showed multifocal spurring and heterotopic ossification with talar dome OCLs. Now that the path is back, the request is “r/o recurrent PVNS” I see what look like small scattered foci of PVNS in the FHL tendon sheath and posterior ankle (red arrows). My question


Ankle MRI 3 months post arthroscopy 41F, pathology proven PVNS, Please Help Read More »

Pubalgia MRI 18M 2 years medial groin pain when running, recruited for college football, Please Help

[image: pubalgia cor.jpeg] I don’t see an Adductor strain. On the anteroinferior to the left there seems to be a chondral avulsion at the insertion of the arcutate ligament (red arrow) and the pubic plate (bue arrow). I don’t see a cleft. Seems to be a bit much fluid in the anterior capsule. Do you


Pubalgia MRI 18M 2 years medial groin pain when running, recruited for college football, Please Help Read More »

Foot MRI and recent Ankle MRI, previous surgery, Foot Pain (not specified), Please Help

52M had previous work related injury and distal achilles debridement and reimplantation sometime prior to our earliest exam 5 years ago. Had surgery 3 years ago, which appears to have been FHL transfer. I read the forefoot today, realized that ankle MRI was done 2 weeks ago. [image: 1.jpg] There is acute denervation edema without


Foot MRI and recent Ankle MRI, previous surgery, Foot Pain (not specified), Please Help Read More »

Upper Arm MRI, 37M arm weakness 7 months after fall, please help

Initial MRI was Elbow to Rule out Triceps Tear[image: 1.jpg] Distal triceps tendon looks wiggly but intact; I recommended humerus MRI to evaluate possible more proximal injury. [image: 2.jpg] Securely united varus angulated fracture, triceps muscle edema [image: 3.jpg] Don’t see T1 muscle atrophy, diffuse edema lateral head (tendon looks wiggly but intact from myotendinous


Upper Arm MRI, 37M arm weakness 7 months after fall, please help Read More »

Chondroid lesion femoral neck 33F pain 2mos after running, Hip MRI, Please Help

33F with 2 months pain after running. I don’t know what to do with this chondroid lesion. T1w shows that it is limited to the metaphysis, but I think Sag suggests deep endosteal scalloping. There is some edema between the trochanter and IT band…which might explain her pain. Also looks like a thin posterior cyst…is


Chondroid lesion femoral neck 33F pain 2mos after running, Hip MRI, Please Help Read More »

Consult forearm MRI 54M 2 months elbow pain and hand numbness, suspect radial tunnel syndrome

[image: 1.jpg] I don’t see a mass in the region of the radial tunnel [image: 2.jpg] There is enhancement of the supinator, without clear edema on PDFS [image: 3.jpg] Same story with the extensor muscles…but (oddly) also the FCU [image: 4.jpg] If this is acute nerve compression/entrapment, does it make sense to have muscle enhancement


Consult forearm MRI 54M 2 months elbow pain and hand numbness, suspect radial tunnel syndrome Read More »