

Please Help! Incidental finding CT Makoplasty pre op TKR.

[image: 1.jpg] Morphologically this Looks like an enostosis, the spiculated margins blend with the trabeculae, but according to the attached reference—which is Fabulous—it implies that the HU is in the range of untreated osteoblastic metastasis. Do this need to be biopsied? Other? [image: 2.jpg] [image: image.png] AJR:207, August 2016


Please Help! Incidental finding CT Makoplasty pre op TKR. Read More »

Full Video now available for last Friday’s Case Presentation Series

There was a bit of a Snafu with the video, which had previously cut off Dr. Jan Fritz on our website (apologies). That has been corrected and is now available at ocadmsk.com (register for the website if you have not…it’s free and it’s good) If you haven’t seen the case session, it was really excellent.


Full Video now available for last Friday’s Case Presentation Series Read More »

Shoulder MRI 59F reports persistent pain 2-3 months after closing window Please Help

[image: 1.jpg] [image: 2.jpg] [image: 3.jpg] [image: 4.jpg] [image: 5.jpg] I’m finding it difficult to reach a unified diagnosis. I see tendinosis, changes consistent with adhesive capsultis, multifocal muscle edema (more impressive on my PACs) most striking in the posterolateral deltoid but also the T Minor, deep medial supraspinatus and subscapularis (not shown), and the


Shoulder MRI 59F reports persistent pain 2-3 months after closing window Please Help Read More »

OCAD Lecture today 1:00PM /13:00 ET Diabetic Foot Infection Dr. Matthew Scarborough Oxford UK

Yes, this is a last minute substitution—-but Dr. Scarborough is amply qualified. Try to join us Live…..but, if you cannot, it will be recorded and available on our website, ocadmsk.com [image: Slide1.jpeg] Matt Scarborough graduated from Queens University Belfast. Early post graduate experience included medical education and refugee relief work in the middle East. He


OCAD Lecture today 1:00PM /13:00 ET Diabetic Foot Infection Dr. Matthew Scarborough Oxford UK Read More »

59F 16 years post L5-S1 disc replacement, 6 months pain (not specified), XR, please help

[image: 1.jpg] [image: 2.jpg] I’m not sure if it’s a fakout, but in the lateral I think I’m seeing periprosthetic lucency and I’m losing the posterior inferior L5 cortex. Wondering about periprosthetic osteolysis, but haven’t seen it related to disc replacement (have only seen a few of these…certainly none 16 years post op). I see


59F 16 years post L5-S1 disc replacement, 6 months pain (not specified), XR, please help Read More »