

35 African Female 4 months Hip pain, hx asthma and IBD, ? Incidental Finding, please help MRI

Based on the history I presume I was looking for AVN, but there is no AVN, just normal cellular red marrow. There is a small cortically based stress fracture deep to the anterior base of the femoral neck (white arrows), with minimal BME, presumably chronic, consistent with history. She has a tiny apical labral tear


35 African Female 4 months Hip pain, hx asthma and IBD, ? Incidental Finding, please help MRI Read More »

77F chronic pain on ambulation after TKA Nov 21 in another country, MRI, Please Help

I have the last clinical visit note. Labs including ESR, CRP and WBC are normal. I have no XRs or other imaging. Outside Bone Scan reported as “findings may be consistent with loosing of the femoral component” [image: 77F chronic pan p TKA Nov 21.jpg] I am concerned about the smooth “bone loss” above and


77F chronic pain on ambulation after TKA Nov 21 in another country, MRI, Please Help Read More »