Sep 19 20240Bill Morrison wrote: I believe that finding (and occasionally a ‘paget-like’ trabecular pattern) are related to a period of immobilization
Sep 19 20240The volar plate looks dramatically enlarged but smooth and dark…is there any possibility this is normal….or is this post traumatic
Sep 19 20240Dear colleagues, these are the answers I got so far: · NF2 · Intramuscular myxoma · Myxoma, St-rads2 · It
Sep 19 20240There is no bone injury, cruciate ligament injury or meniscal tear. Fluid is localized to the inferior lateral meniscocapsular recess.
Sep 19 20240This is a consult for my colleague Dr. Liebeskind.Apparently the referrer has seen outside XRs from another country that showed
Sep 19 20240I have received several comments…. Most people favor a benign vascular lesion…but would like to further investigate with CT. Dr.
Sep 19 20240Thanks for responding! I got 3 replies. – 2 suspected serous atrophy of bone marrow – 1 suspected lipodystrophy I
Sep 19 20240Hey !!! Hillary asked me to share this recent case of mine, very similar to the case she posted. The
Sep 19 20240Hello, Sorry for late response and thank you for all answers. There are the answers: primary muscle conditions (inclusion body