Sep 19 20240I received several comments. Those who did indicated that they routinely look at the plantar fat pads of the forefoot
Sep 19 20240Hi there, opinions were divided over this one. Some opined that the prominent cysts and bone marrow edema point towards
Sep 19 20240Hi. Thanks to everyone who commented : It is probably the situation that the flap has gone back into a
Apr 18 20240Hi ocaders! Male, 35 years old, no surgery. Does anyone have experience or cases like this? Kind regards. André. MRI
Apr 18 20240There is mild 2nd intermetatarsal bursal edema No submetatarsal bursitis No webspace mass or plantar plate tear or findings to
Apr 18 20240Great case, Björn! I will not suggest a diagnosis but just remind/inform you all that if you have a Collective
Apr 18 20240I found this open access reference for traumatic axillary nerve injury with dislocation Axillary neuropathy.pdf
Apr 18 20240There is a posteroinferior labral tear 6-8:00 that communicates with a large inferior paralabral cyst which courses through the Quadrilateral
Apr 18 20240I would greatly appreciate input on this case which appears to have nonspecific findings. 23 year old female patient with