Feb 18 20210Hello, OCAD! I request your opinions on a small erosive lesion at the left posterior medial tibial plateau (semimembranosus insertion
Feb 17 2021081 y/o back pain for the past month ; weakness probable septic facet joint with epidural abscess/fluid Best, Frank
Feb 17 20210Dear all. I will really appreciate your help on these case. Good morning from Costa Rica, comprimidoFascitis-nodular-proliferativa.pptx
Feb 16 20210presumed dermolipoma Neuro case2, third one’s gotta be coming later today… rule of 3’s,features%20and%20treatment%20stratagies%204. Best, Frank
Feb 16 20210Case from St. Elsewhere sent for review 25 y/o with headache for 4 years. I’m thinking chondroid lesion, hemangioma, fibrous
Feb 16 (copy and paste link) Dear all, Please see case again (attatched). ~ 10 responses. 2 CPPD (an exuberant form)
Feb 15 20210This is a 37M with history of Psoriatic Arthritis and Crohn’s disease, on Amitriptiline, Dicyclomone, Metformin, Humira, recently started Otezla.
Feb 12 20210Hi OCAD`ers here the differential diagnosis of femur lytic lesions: CRMO (Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis) 3 Leukemia1 Metastasis 1 Histiocytosis
Feb 12 2021046 y/o male; pain swelling for 3 months… no further history, xrays or anything else doc hasn’t returned calls edema