Sep 19 20240There is articular and bursal fraying with intrasubstance bright PDFS signal proximal to the insertion of the mid-posterior supraspinatus tendon
Sep 19 20240Dear Dr. Rustam, Thank you for your good case. I am not a neuroradiologist but I have common sense. One
Sep 19 20240SLAP lesion Mild anteroinferior capsular thickening and edema, but no anteroinferior labral tear Oddly, they ordered this without and with
Sep 19 20240I was recently consulted by Rheumatology for a lupus patient with progressively worsening periarticular calcifications/swelling in the small joints of
Sep 19 20240Apropos Atul’s case, I believe this case precedes any biopsy proof or treatment for his suspected prostate cancer.The prostate MRI
Sep 19 20240From Jerry Mink: Dear OCAD A few years ago, cochlear implants became mr compatible, with some conditions but basically safe.
Sep 19 20240Tuberculosis versus neoplastic clinical ..lab with histopathological evaluation is important in diffrenciation Thanks for all your responses! I got four
Sep 19 20240Atul Taneja recommended an excellent relevant article from 2014: I’ve shared the reference and first images below On Tue, Jun
Sep 19 20240Hi everyone, What do you think about this case? Patellar OCD? Clinical history: periodic swelling around the joint and pain.