Sep 19 2024028F with bilateral hip pain and tightness and difficulty walking for 9 months They don’t provide running or other sports
Sep 19 20240I received few feedback on this case: 2x confirming suspicion for a periosteal/ synovial vascular lesion with reactive changes. 1x
Sep 19 20240Dear friends Thank you for commenting on this case. Obviously, there are fractures, probably insufficiency fractures due to altered bone
Sep 19 20240Hi everyone. I need help. Have you seen the image of an interference screw like this one? Fragmented? How would
Sep 19 20240Hi OCAD community, Thanks for your valuable insight as always. I received 8 responses over the week. Feel free to
Sep 19 20240I managed to reach a very involved and helpful orthopedic resident who just sent me these screenshots…. I wonder about
Sep 19 20240I mentioned to Daniel that I had a similar case a year or so ago in a patient with excruciating
Sep 19 20240difficulty with extension, cyclops with ganglion cyst , Hoffaitis? Arthrofibrosis involving fat pad too…..Thoughts? Best, Frank
Sep 19 20240To my complete amazement I just got a call from the referrer…who now confirms that the pt has chronic renal