Question to the group from a colleague

Thanks to everyone that responded. Here are the answers summarized:


My way is to put the cursor at the middle of the patellar tendon at its insertion to the tibial tuberosity. I leave the cursor there and scroll up to the deepest portion of the trochlear groove. The distance from my cursor to the center of the trochlear groove is the distance I use.

You have to measure each axis separately with respect to a horizontal or vertical baseline….then determine the angle between each axis


If you MPR the MRI sagittal image and align the Y axis to the scaphoid and then scroll to the lunate you can measure both on same image. Seems a simple workaround to paper on the screen.

You would think there would be!I draw a line on 1 image, copy that annotation, then go to the next image, and paste the annotation there.
Then use the Cobb Angle tool to measure the angle between the 2 lines.

For SL angle, I know the patient’s wrist isn’t changing angle from slice to slice so I measure the scaphoid angle relative to horizontal, the lunate angle relative to horizontal, and calculate the difference.
For TT-TG, I usually just draw my condylar axis at the level of the TG with the 90° line through the TG, scroll down and put my mouse on the point at the TT, don’t move the mouse while scrolling up to that slice with the axis line, and then measure across to the TG line, being sure to remain parallel to the condylar axis line.
For femoral anteversion, I assume the patient isn’t rotating and I get the angle between the femoral neck-horizontal line and the angle between the femoral condyles-horizontal line. Add or subtract depending on what needs to be done.
Maybe not the easiest way but it works for me!
I’m curious if people have a better way

On Feb 2, 2025, at 17:15, Phillip wrote:

Is there some simple way to measure the scapholunate angle since I don’t seem to have a way of overlapping adjacent images the same thing for TT – TG. There must be some way of doing this on a GEMRI.

Please reply to me and I will summarize. Happy weekend to Monday everyone.


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