1 thought on “35F 2 months Rt hip pain and popping, XR, Please Help”

  1. hilary.umans
    I received the most helpful response from Mohammad Sammim, from NYU:

    I agree this is AIIS. I have included three slides of the recent talk from
    ISS and an article. The last slide shows the different AIIS types based on
    the extent of the subspine in relation to the ant rim.

    [image: image.png]

    [image: image.png]

    [image: image.png]

    Article: Krueger DR, Windler M, Geßlein M, Schuetz M, Perka C, Schroeder
    JH. Is the evaluation of the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) in the AP
    pelvis possible? Analysis of conventional X-rays and 3D-CT reconstructions.
    Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 Jul;137(7):975-980. doi:
    10.1007/s00402-017-2694-y. Epub 2017 Apr 21. PMID: 28432458.

    I missed the lecture, because I was attending the concurrent session!
    But the videos on demand are fabulous.
    For those of you with access to the ISS meeting app, I recommend watching
    Mohammad’s lecture, it’s excellent and explains everything you ever wanted
    to know about subspine impingement….along with other forms of
    extra-articular hip impingement.


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