1 thought on “15 yr old with low ankle injuiry and weird medial tendons”

  1. OCAD
    Follow-up on this:

    Not too much in the way of responses – I guess I can assume people are in
    the same boat as me and haven’t seen this before.

    Dr Umans suggested ultrasounding the medial tendons and thought perhaps
    there was a retinacular injury/stripping and subluxation of the FDL tendon,
    with lack of oedema suggesting chronicity. Correctly pointed out the acute
    deltoid injury which I neglected to illustrate.

    Yes, the kid does have medial pain.

    Dr Chhabra also thought this was an acquired lesion rather than

    I asked the orthopod if he wouldn’t mind ordering a scan of the other side
    but I won’t be holding my breath.

    cheers Rob


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