68F with 2 years foot drop. MRI knee. Please help.

[image: 68F foot drop x 2 yrs.jpg]
There are clearly varicosities surrounding the Common Peroneal Nerve (CPN),
the arrow indicates bright signal thickened fascicles of the CPN near the
caudal extent of the varicosities.
[image: 68F foot drop x 2 yrs (1).jpg]
Ax T1 from cranial to caudal
[image: 68F foot drop x 2 yrs (2).jpg]
Cor PDFS shows varicosities extending to the cranial FOV
[image: 68F foot drop x 2 yrs (3).jpg]
Cor PD
[image: 68F foot drop x 2 yrs (4).jpg]

My questions are:
1. Have you ever seen varicosities causing nerve compression / entrapment?
Other than the Spinoglenoid notch, I have not.
2. Is there a reason to call back for femur MRI to see the full extent?
3. If yes, should I recommend it be done without and with contrast?
4. Any clue how this is treated?



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