2 thoughts on “superficial mass at the finger”

  1. OCAD

    Giant cells tumor?

    Marcelo Pires Prado
    Medicina e Cirurgia do pé e tornozelo

    Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
    Rua Ruggero Fasano s/n- Morumbi – SP
    Bloco A1 – 3o. andar – sala 322
    Fone (11) 2151.1315

    De: ocad-msk@googlegroups.com <ocad-msk@googlegroups.com> em nome de Björn Jobke <BJobke@telemedicineclinic.com>
    Enviado: sexta-feira, novembro 19, 2021 10:27
    Para: OCAD
    Assunto: superficial mass at the finger

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    50 yo pat. with mass at the thumb. Nice Gd uptake. The localiser (GRE) doesn’t show signal drop. Not so sure about the T2w.

    Any thoughts?


    Have a good weekend.


  2. Large consensus about tenosynovial giant cell tumour. Agreed.



    Sent: 19 November 2021 14:28

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    50 yo pat. with mass at the thumb. Nice Gd uptake. The localiser (GRE) doesn’t show signal drop. Not so sure about the T2w.

    Any thoughts?


    Have a good weekend.


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