Shoulder MRI 59M rotator cuff repair 5 years ago, 6 months pain

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It seems only the anterior supraspinatus tendon is intact. The remainder is
torn and markedly retracted, but takes a fantastic voyage….scarring onto
a chronic “Novel” lesion of the Infraspinatus (a tear of the Infraspinatus
myotendinous junction). If you follow the arrows in the BLO (ax obl)
series, you see the retracted supraspinatus tendon dipping under the
scapular spine and fusing to the chronic retracted infraspinatus Novel
lesion. There is marked tendinosis of the infraspinatus inserting onto the
greater tuberosity. What do we call this? A Novel-Novel lesion?

Check out AJR 2019;212:W1-W9. Supraspinatus Myotendinous Junction
Injuries. Marta Miranda and Nathalie Bureau
and AJR 2014;203:406-411 MRI Findings in Rotator Cuff Myotendinous Junction
Injury. Atul Taneja et al.


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