62M 3 months wrist pain and hand numbness, MRI please help

Atul Taneja pointed out correctly, I think, that the affected ligament is the Short Radiolunate Ligament. I was confused by the fact that it seems contiguous with the TFCC medially, but it does seem to connect to the DR. The extreme thickening of the ligament is a bit confusing (to me).
I received only a few comments…2 votes for "yes, I think it is gout" and 1 suggestion that, despite the notable absence of blooming, it could be GCTTS.

I will try to reach out to the hand surgeon and see if there is a known history of gout, or if they confirm gout or some other diagnosis.
I’m also curious if he can tell me what the diagnosis was for the reported excised mass from the opposite hand.


On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 3:47 PM hilary wrote:

I have no XR. He has bilateral 1st CMC degenerative arthrosis.
There is a reported history of trigger finger and some mass excision (no details) in the other hand.
He has hypertension and is on Hydrochlorthiazide, among other drugs.Clinical suspicion of synovitis and CTS.

What is going on with this Very thick Ulnolunate ligament???

There are scattered bright fascicles in the median nerve which looks borderline thick at the CT inlet….not impressive, but clinically he has CTS; I wonder if the thick ulnolunate ligament is contributing to that?

I have never seen the UL ligament look thick or infiltrated
Do you think this might be gout? Other?
I know that HCTZ can cause / exacerbate gout.




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