59F with pain since TKR June 2022 MRI Please Help

There are no XRs.I include the current MRI…arrows point to osteolysis at the posterior and paracentral metal bone interface of the medial compartment at the tibia in the Sag images.
You can see this in the Cor MAVRIC also. I don’t see marrow edema on STIR.
Baseline 2 months post-op MRI images are included…don’t see much of anything.
I am confused because bone loss at the metal-bone interface in the early post op period (certainly within a year…this is months) should mean infection—-but I would expect marrow edema.
Have you seen early osteolysis without infection?
I have not.
How would you report this?

***By the way, I want to welcome Hiten an Prashant to OCAD***



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