59F 16 years post L5-S1 disc replacement, 6 months pain (not specified), XR, please help

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I’m not sure if it’s a fakout, but in the lateral I think I’m seeing
periprosthetic lucency and I’m losing the posterior inferior L5 cortex.
Wondering about periprosthetic osteolysis, but haven’t seen it related to
disc replacement (have only seen a few of these…certainly none 16 years
post op).
I see she is scheduled for MRI at a site with a new-ish 3T Phillips
Ingenia…alternatives in the neighborhood at our facilities include a sad,
old 1.5T and an open Hitachi 1.2T (very susceptible to hardware artifact).
Will the 3T be a total loss using MARS technique?
Should I recommend CT?




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