56F follow up DEXA. Treated Hodgkins 2008, premature menopause. Please Help.

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From previous imaging history and the Questionnaire I see that she was last
treated for Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2008 and reports premature menopause at 41
yo. No mention of hyperparathyroidism.
In 2020 her hip and spine measurements were in the Osteopenic range; no
forearm DEXA was performed.
Spne and hip measurements are now in the normal range, but Forearm is

My Questions are:
1. When you report Osteoporosis, do you just report Osteoporosis, or do you
specify the site (spine, hip, forearm)?
2. If you see Isolated forearm Osteoporosis, do you suggest the possibility
of hyperparathyroidism? Should we? Seems to me maybe we should, as it
would affect management.

Thanks, Hilary


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