50M with 2.5 years foot pain and swelling XR and MRI Please help

First off, Happy New Year to everyone…there are currently 1508 of us in the OCAD Google Group, including 8 I just signed on today…..we are from everywhere….much more so than we used to be—it’s fabulous!
I have had no shortage of interesting and challenging cases….just trying to catch up after a very brief vacation and hope to organize more cases as I get my act together.
You are all encouraged to share interesting cases too!
Let’s make this more of a communal forum that it is meant to be….I promise, it’s more fun that way.

This patient has an Indian surname and very long first and middle name that makes me wonder if he is Indian or Sri Lankan….but he lives in NY and I don’t really know where he is from or has traveled.
The XRs today look very similar to ones from June 2022…at which time MRI was recommended, but not done.

Widespread sclerosis with small rounded lucencies of the calcaneum and superimposed nodular swelling of the hindfoot

The first thing that comes to mind with this appearance is Madura foot….
is this a convincing enough dot-in-circle sign?
Is there any differential diagnosis?
I thought of hemangiomatosis, but I think that’s less likely.
Is there a reason to recommend contrast, or is this diagnostic?



Now for a bonus….can you tell me where I went on vacation and who that is lurking under the surface of the water?

It could be. Because it looks like chronic infective processes such as cortical thickening, sclerosis, and soft tissue edema(no big abscess). Thanks for sharing6 Ocak 2024 Cumartesi tarihinde saat 00:40:20 UTC+3 itibarıyla hilary umans şunları yazdı:


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