37M incidental finding of widespread bone cysts in lower extremity

Thanks for responding!
I got 3 replies.
– 2 suspected serous atrophy of bone marrow
– 1 suspected lipodystrophy

I guess the replies are all interlinked in that there is a problem with fat deposition.
His height is 174 cm and weight 89,5 kg, so anorexia is not likely. There is no information that the patient is an endurance athlete. But with this height, low subcutaneous fat, he is likely very muscular.
He has examination of a cervical lipomatosis (buffalo hump) in 2021 which can be said to be abnormal fat deposition.
And a CT thorax from 2021 where upper abdomen is shown, suspect steatosis of liver but contrast enhancement is not optimal for this assessment.
The fat distribution in chest and upper abdomen does seem normal.
There is an MRI of the Buffalo hump from 2021 where you may suspect low T1 signal in vertebrae.

Lipodystrophy seems like a diagnosis that is worth pursuing, so thank you Sergio.

I’m still open for suggestions or remarks.

I also got a nice article about lipodystrophy and its cystic bone lesions:

Unusual magnetic resonance imaging findings of cystic bone lesions in congenital generalized lipodystrophy
Cystic bone lesions are the hallmark of skeletal abnormalities in patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL). However, their pathophysiology is still unclear and theories about their origin remain largely speculative. This article reports …


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