Thanks, a few rapid responses in consensus agree that this is tendon xanthoma
I see that the referrer has since ordered MRI of the hand….not that it makes sense, but we should get to see that, too.
On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 11:45 AM hilary wrote:
He was referred by a PA from an orthopedic clinic from a hospital where they closed the Rheumatology Department 4 months agoThe referral form read "evaluate mass, finger erosions", that is all I know
I have very limited experience imaging xanthoma and I wonder if that is what this is….I would have expected more T1 bright signal, but the Radiopaedia example looks quite similar
Is there a possibility this could be gout?
I don’t really see any focal mass-like deposit
The hand XRs are from the referrer and show faintly radiodense nodular palmar swelling/mass with superficial erosion at the volar base of the ring distal phalanx