34F 5mos pain and clicking, MR arthrogram, please help

This was injected by a PA at another site…who apparently targets the BB at the arrow

There is this dark T1, bright PDFS mass in the pre femoral fat pad….I think it’s distant from where the needle was placed…there’s only an AP view after contrast, but it’s not contrast in the fat pad, and I doubt it’s hematoma

It’s mostly bright, a little central dark signal on PDFS….I see tiny vascular channels in the underlying bone and superficial vessels…don’t know if those are just normal
Bright on T1FS post arthro image

I’m thinking this might be PVNS….can it infiltrate the fat pad without protruding into the joint?
Can it be anything else?
I was thinking to recommend iv contrast ….but I’m not sure it would add much to the differential diagnosis.




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