31M 1 week after sports injury, ACL recon 12 years ago. Please Help. MRI.

[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago.jpg]
I rarely find these Obl Cor T2 images through the ACL useful, but I think
the graft looks intact in this series
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (1).jpg]
There are acute lateral compartment translational bone contusions with
cartilage loss at the posterior Lateral Femoral Condyle
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (2).jpg]
Tougher to read the ACL graft in the Sag plane, I think
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (3).jpg]
I measured 8 mm anterior tibial translation on my PACs…no prior imaging,
so I don’t know if that is old or new post recent trauma.
I think the femoral tunnel is a bit low and anterior….not sure if this
contributes to some underlying post op ACL insufficiency….what do you
In an adult knee with no history of ACL surgery, lateral compartment
translational contusions suggest ACL tear….so I wonder if I’m missing
something…maybe a stretching injury to the graft?
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (4).jpg]
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (7).jpg]
[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (6).jpg]
How would you report the ACL graft?




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