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Sag T1 and STIR
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Sag T1FS+ and cor PD
I see a T2 hyperintense lesion abutting the posterosuperior aspect of the
calcaneal apophysis just deep to the achilles tendon. My initial thought
was of an asymmetric
osteochondral overgrowth of the calcaneal apophysis (Trevor’s disease).
Doesn’t really bother the child but the peds orthopedic surgeon was asking
me whether I thought it might be something worrisome. Any thoughts?
The answers I received were:
1. Retrocalcaneal bursitis (non-aggressive chondral mass, PVNS, JIA/Albert
2. Trevor disease
I reached out to the surgeon and the parents are still undecided about
resection. I will wait a few more weeks and recheck.