29F runner with incidental finding on MRI, please help

Jan Fritz and Faisal Rashid suggested DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)I do think that is probably the answer, the pattern fits

I was thrown by the temporal history I had, which only reported the running injury 1 month ago
I suppose this is more likely a result of her recent physical therapy…since DOMS most typically occurs about 1-3 days after strenuous exercise


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 11:00 AM hilary umans <hilary.umans> wrote:

Her clinic note from April 29 reported onset of anterior hip pain 1 month ago while training for a marathonThe anterior pain is diminished after 1 month of PT, but now she has some lateral pain, no mention of posterior hip or thigh pain
No past medical history

Recent XR shows bilateral superior acetabular retroversion
Additional lateral left hip XR (not shown) is normal

There is an anterosuperior labral tear

This pattern of diffuse bilateral semitendinosis muscle and fascial edema seems odd…I see mild right sided edema at the distal MT junction of the long head biceps femoris
Are these just clinically silent bilateral muscle strains?
Is this myositis? Does the distribution suggest a particular etiology?




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