15 yr old with hip pain

ABC, UBC or GCT? fracture of UBC? Any suggestions re: RX. IR guided
ablation? Of course, we have to know what it is first. I have no
other imaging. Patient came in for hip pain and the study was dedicated to
MRI of the hip.

[image: ax pdfs.JPG]
ax pdfs

[image: ax pd fs2.JPG]
ax pdfs

[image: cor stir.JPG]

cor STIR

[image: cor t1 and stir.JPG]
cor T1 and STIR

[image: cor t1 and stir 2.JPG]
Cor T1 and STIR

Susie Muir


1 thought on “15 yr old with hip pain”

  1. OCAD

    Thank you to the 5 respondents who were unanimous that this was most likely
    an ABC; suggested treatment sclerotherapy and bone grafting.


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