I have never seen this before so I thought I would share. 13 y/o female
throwing injury with triceps pain.
Lots of images because I wanted to show the whole injury.

I have never seen this before so I thought I would share. 13 y/o female
throwing injury with triceps pain.
Lots of images because I wanted to show the whole injury.
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The referring doc called back. Turns out it is his step daughter. She
recovered from a rectus femoris avulsion from the AIIS 6 months ago. This
injury was an overhead throw in softball. He said she is the star player
and “throws like a rocket”. She was throwing from first to third base when
it happened. He said he is beginning to think she may have some sort of
genetic disorder. I said “Is she tall?” He said, “Well she is in a growth
phase but yea I’m thinking it might be Marfans or possibly Ehlers Danlos”.
I’ll do some testing and we’ll find out.
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 11:50 AM Phillip Tirman MD <ptirmanmd@gmail.com>